by MuggleNet · Published February 15, 2023 · Updated February 14, 2023
I live in a Muggle studio apartment that’s not much bigger than Harry’s cupboard under the stairs or Arthur Weasley’s broom closet-sized office at the Ministry of Magic. I have a miniature convection oven on the very narrow counter in my kitchenette and a limited number of bowls, measuring cups, and other kitchen utensils. For my first recipe from The Unofficial Harry Potter Vegan Cookbook, I chose to make Rock Cakes because it is one of the precious few recipes that doesn’t require fancy ingredients or special cooking or baking equipment.
With just a bowl, a rubber spatula, some measuring spoons and cups, and a tray lined with parchment paper, I was ready to conjure some baking magic.
While I’m not quite Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen, I do have a knack for baking and strong intuition, so I wasn’t afraid to go off-script and make a few modifications to the recipe. For one, my oven is so small that I halved the recipe in order for the rock cakes to fit on my baking tray. Additionally, I have food allergies, so I had to use gluten-free flour instead of all-purpose. I didn’t have any gingerbread spice or fresh oranges on hand, so I made my own spice blend with cinnamon and ginger, and I left out the orange zest. I love dried fruit, so I added extra dried cranberries. I added 1⁄2 teaspoon of baking powder to the recipe as well because I didn’t want my rock cakes to be flat but to have a scone-like lift.
The recipe was simple to follow, and it was fun to play around with the sticky dough and shape them into rock-like balls. I can see this recipe being a big hit with young Potterheads who are just learning how to bake or families who want to make some Potter treats together.
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The Rock Cakes were a total win! Unlike Hagrid’s teeth-breakingly hard rock cakes, the texture of these rock cakes is very scone-like (without being dry) with the changes made. They have a bread-like chewiness to them, and they’d taste wonderful paired with berry jam – especially a raspberry or strawberry – and freshly brewed hot tea. Next time I’ll make sure to add orange zest to the dough for a little extra zing because, yes, I’ll be making them again.
Only four spell incantations appear in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: Wingardium Leviosa, Petrificus Totalus, Alohomora, and Locomotor Mortis.
June 30, 2009 – The Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game is released in North America.
“My brothers, my sisters. The clock is ticking faster. We who live for freedom, for truth, and for love. The moment has come to share my vision of the future that awaits if we do not rise up and take our rightful place in the world. Where we wizards are free. Aurors, join me in this circle, pledge to me your eternal allegiance, or die.”
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